These are the supplements and superfoods that I consume on a whole-foods, plant-based, vegan diet, however, any diet would benefit from these amazing dietary additions!

Disclaimer: My field of study is nutrition and I am on the track to become a registered dietician, I have not yet received my license.
Before we begin delving into the nutrient supplements that I recommend, I want to state a quote from the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The two organizations released a report with their experts stating, "Populations should consume nutritionally adequate and varied diets, based primarily on foods of plant origin with small amounts of added flesh foods. Households should select predominantly plant-based diets rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, pulses or legumes, and minimally processed starchy staple foods. The evidence that such diets will prevent or delay a significant proportion of non-communicable chronic diseases is consistent. A predominantly plant-based diet has a low energy density, which may protect against obesity." This information was given to the public by the WHO and the United Nations, without the interference of either the meat and dairy-industry or vegan activist groups/organizations. Therefore, it is unbiased and based upon pure scientific fact. The organizations have also stated that a whole-foods, plant-based diet is suitable for all stages of life, including pregnancy. The report then continues to say, "Although two-thirds of the world's population depends on cereal or tuber-based diets, the other one-third consumes significant amounts of animal food products. The latter group places an undue demand on land, water, and other resources required for intensive food production, which makes the typical Western diet not only undesirable from the standpoint of health but also environmentally unsustainable. If we balance energy intake with the expenditure required for basal metabolism, physical activity, growth, and repair, we will find that the dietary quality required for health is essentially the same across population groups." So, a whole-foods, plant-based diet is an extremely healthy diet for both the human body and the Earth. If you want to read the report discussed above, you can find the link to it and another United Nations report about the Impact of Consumption and Production down below.
"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." ~ Thomas Edison
Supplements for Whole-food, Plant-based diets
As stated above, a whole-foods, plant-based diet is not only healthy for the human body but we, as a species, THRIVE on plant foods. However, there are a few supplements that I consume to nourish my body to it's full potential. If you choose a vegan lifestyle, B12 is a must! Vitamin B12 is usually absent in a plant-based diet due to B12 being present only on animal products and some enriched foods. The other two supplements I take are plant-based Omega-3s and a plant-based protein powder. Although Omega-3s and plant protein can be consumed through dietary foods, some individual's may not have an appropriate intake of either. Therefore, taking both orally can be extremely beneficial depending on one's diet.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is the one supplement every individual eating a plant-based diet has to take. Vitamin B12 is essential in the human body for maintaining proper blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis.
B12 is found on animal products due to B12 naturally being a bacteria that is present on decaying flesh. As a vegan, vitamin B12 can be found in enriched foods such as, grains, cereals, soy milks, or rice milks. It is also found in nutritional yeast, or as we in the vegan community like to call it, "NOOCH." Nutritional yeast is a very important ingredient in plant-based diets not only because it contains dietary B12, but also because it gives foods a wonderful smoky, cheesy flavor.
In the human body, Vitamin B12 is absorbed using a protein produced in the stomach called intrinsic factor. If you are on a plant-based diet and taking a supplement every day, yet still experiencing a B12 deficiency, there may be a problem with your bodies ability to produce intrinsic factor. If still experiencing B12 deficiencies consult your doctor. Vitamin B12 deficiencies can be dangerous and can cause blood anemia and neurological disorders. Vitamin B12 levels can be evaluated with a blood test.
The B12 supplement that I take is in a liquid form, which is readily absorbed into the blood stream through the capillaries in your mouth. The brand I use is the Whole Foods brand 365 and I use the B12 and B complex mixture. Here is a link to another great brand if Whole Foods is not near your home.
Omega-3, also called Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), is one of the two essential fatty acids our body requires (the other being Omega-6). The word "essential" refers to the body's inability to produce this fatty acid naturally. Therefore, humans must consume these two fatty acids through diet in order to have it in the body. Omega-3 is metabolized in the body into both Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentanoic Acid (EPA). Don't let the long, scary scientific names intimidate you; let me break it down a little bit more!
DHA is a fatty acid that makes up a large portion of the phospholipids in the cell membranes of neurons. In simpler terms, DHA is a very important molecule for creating and maintaining brain cells and the nervous system. DHA increases brain function and nervous system efficiency.
EPA is a fatty acid that assists with anti-inflammatory pathways by reducing the amount of free-radicals in tissues. Thus, EPA reduces pain and swelling and prevents blood clots. This fatty acid makes up the phospholipids in the retina membrane as well, assisting with the functionality and maintenance of the eyes.
Omega-3s are crucial for the human body and are a necessity in one's diet. However, the source of where an individual gets their Omega-3s is very important. I take an Omega-3 supplement sourced from algae made by Spectrum Essentials. An algae based Omega-3 supplement is the most efficient and healthiest form of Omega-3.
**A more in-depth blog post about the Omega-3 pathway and the comparison of fish oil to algae oil will be coming to the blog soon, STAY TUNED**
Plant-based Protein Powder, VEGA
Protein powder is another amazing dietary addition that I consume! I eat protein powder in my smoothies regularly because I am a very physically active person. I lift weights and consume protein after workouts due to my goal of hypertrophying and toning my muscles. However, if you are not an athlete or do mainly cardio as your physical activity, consuming a protein powder may not be necessary. This is especially true if you consume high protein plant foods such as tofu, tempeh, green peas, spinach, kale, soy beans, asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, lentils, hemp seeds, cashews, chickpeas, black beans, and all the other protein rich vegetables that exist!
Vega protein powder is the brand that I use, however, there are so many amazing options nowadays that are available for the vegan community. Vega has multiple different types of protein powders that can be suited to your lifestyle. The kind that I use, that is pictured, is the Vega Protein and Greens. This protein powder has 20 grams of protein and multiple servings of greens per scoop. However, if you want an all-around protein powder that not only has protein and greens, but also all the vitamins and minerals you need, I would recommend their Vega All-in-One protein powder. This range has 20 grams of protein, servings of greens, 50% of your Daily recommended value of vitamins and minerals, 1 billion probiotics, 1.5 grams of Omega-3s, 6 grams of fiber, Antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, and no added sugar. It is not just a protein powder, it is an all around HEALTH POWDER!
**A recipe for my favorite post-workout protein smoothie is coming to the blog soon, STAY TUNED**
Superfoods are just that, SUPER
Superfoods became a popular topic years ago with the most talked about being Acai and Goji berries. Although the benefits can seem "too good to be true," the mass array of superfoods can benefit the human body in so many ways. Some superfoods you might have heard of are acai, spirulina, chlorophyll, goji berries, wheat grass, and many more. All superfoods contain vitamins and minerals, however, the main aspects of these power-packed foods are the antioxidants and phytochemicals that have been shown to prevent and treat many diseases. The three superfoods that I will be discussing are Barley Grass, Moringa, and Maca Root. The brand I love is Sunburst Superfoods because they hold their products to very high standards and are reasonably priced for such an amazing product.
Barley Grass Juice Powder
Barley Grass Juice Powder is just as its name suggests, made from a grass. Barley grass is harvested when only 10 -14 days old, juiced, then made into a fine powder that you can add to juices, smoothies, salad dressings, and many other things. My favorite way to incorporate this powder is in my smoothies. The barley grass has a mild green flavor and makes your smoothies a brilliant green color. This superfood powder has a myriad a benefits for the human body and is something everyone should incorporate into their diet.
Barley grass juice powder has all 20 amino acids, making it a complete protein, 12 vitamins, 13 minerals, and hundreds of different enzymes. These enzymes correspond to enzymes found in the human body that help repair damaged cells and defend against free radicals. Two of these enzymes are Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and P4D1. Barley grass juice powder also contains Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) which are polysaccharides vital for the human body's ability to move properly. These three powerful elements of barley grass juice powder make this superfood unique and I want to explain to you guys how. So, let's dive in a little further, shall we?
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme meaning it is one of the strongest defenses against free radicals in the human body. Free radicals enter the human body through ozone contamination, pesticides, nutritional deficiencies, UV radiation, toxic metals, and many other ways. Nowadays, they are kind of hard to avoid! Since this enzyme neutralizes free radicals, SODs help heal the body at a faster rate, slow the affects of aging, and reduce inflammation in the body. SODs that are consumed through diet are normally destroyed in the stomach due to the acidic environment. However, there is a molecule that exists in the grass family known as Gliadin, that when bonded to SODs, can bypass the stomach acids and be absorbed into the blood stream. So, SODs from barley grass juice powder are unique in that they can readily heal the human body.
P4D1 is another enzyme present in barley grass juice powder. It is the first known substance to stimulate the repair of DNA molecules. P4D1 makes it possible for diseased cells to heal themselves so that when they replicate, they then produce healed, healthy cells. It has also has been shown to eat through the protein barrier on cancer cells which then enables white blood cells to be able to attack the cancerous cells and destroy them. P4D1 is unique to Barley grass and makes it beneficial to add to the diet if dealing with an illness.
The last molecules I'll be discussing are Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) which are polysaccharides that form the compound in the fluid lubricant in the body's joints. They are also found in connective tissue, tendons, and cartilage. Therefore, these molecules are essential for proper joint and tendon function in the human body. This makes Barley grass beneficial for those who deal with arthritis or other chronic diseases that inhibit joint function.
Overall, barley grass juice powder can help reduce inflammation in the body, it detoxes the liver, keeps the GI Tract clean, lowers blood pressure, and increases red blood cell count. It is an amazing dietary addition for everyone!
*note: keep powder stored in a spot that is dry, room temperature, and that avoids direct sunlight.
Moringa Powder
Moringa powder is made from the leaves of the moringa tree which is native to India. Traditionally, moringa was used in impoverished countries to battle malnourishment due to its complete nutrient profile which includes 90 different nutrients. Moringa has an abundant amount of minerals, 46 different antioxidants, more B12 than steak (gram for gram), more Calcium than cow's milk, and more Vitamin A than eggs. It contains all 20 essential amino acids, thus making it another complete protein. Moringa has various different polyphenols that help defend and detox the liver, such as Quercetin and Kaempferol. Moringa has been shown to reduce inflammation, heal wounds quicker, reverse iron deficiencies, and help diabetic patients by promoting healthy blood sugar and lipid levels. It also has high levels of Vitamin C, beta-carotene, Omega-3s, and Potassium.
Moringa Powder is another superfood that supplies nothing but healing properties to the human body! It's a wonderful addition to smoothies and has a smooth, slightly sweet green flavor. I also love adding it to green juices to boost the protein and nutrient content. You need Moringa in your life!
*note: keep powder stored in a spot that is dry, room temperature, and that avoids direct sunlight.
Maca Root Powder
Maca Root Powder, also known as "Peruvian Ginseng," is an energizer and a powerful adaptogen (more powerful than ginseng and goji berries). An adaptogen is a natural substance that helps to normalize and regulate the systems of the human body. So, think of it as a scale; if something happens in the body, one side of the scale tips and is off balance. When you take maca root, it puts weight on the other side of the scale, causing it to be balanced again. This is true for all bodily systems, such as, cardio, lymphatic, nervous, and endocrine systems. One way it stabilizes is by nourishing the endocrine system which as a result balances the hormones in the body. Maca also regulates mental imbalances and is known for being one of the most power stress relievers on the planet.
Maca root powder also has various vitamins, sterols, minerals, and seven out of the nine essential amino acids. It has significant levels of Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, and B vitamins. My favorite way to use maca powder is in "malts." Maca powder has a sweet, smoky flavor that is similar to malt powder (which is not vegan) so it is perfect for adding into banana, chocolate "malts" to give you that nostalgic taste of childhood, while also providing plenty of nutrients.
*note: keep powder stored in a spot that is dry, room temperature, and that avoids direct sunlight.
Notes About Supplements
Make sure, when choosing supplements, that they do not contain gelatin (boiled animal bones). Capsules are normally made from gelatin, however, there are vegan/vegetarian capsules that are made from plants. You may also look for the liquid forms of the supplements, such as the B12 I suggested above.
Referenced articles and other sources
WHO and UN food guidelines:
UN report on the impact of consumption and production:
National Institutes of Health B12 information sheet:
NCBI data sheet on EPA and DHA:
Immune Health Science breakdown of Superoxide Dismutase:
Meta-analysis of Moringa benefits: